Merry meet and Happy Samhain! Or, for those of you of the non-Pagan persuasion, Happy Halloween!
Yes, I’m a day early, but I know I’ll be wrapped up in tomorrow’s festivities and probably won’t find the time to hop online and post a blog.
And let me apologize right off the bat for not having my own original Samhain work uploaded for this particular blog’s picture. I have been so busy dealing with life on a daily basis, and trying to get over this junk I can’t shake, that I haven’t had time to stake out my usual haunts to get good images. I probably should have taken advantage of last week’s beautiful weather, but of course, I didn’t. (Is anyone else’s slogan, “Never do today what you can put off until tomorrow”?)
As Samhain is my favorite sabbat, I wanted to do a little something special by way of a big bonfire, but the weather here in NC has been less than cooperative, so the fire pit was not built in time. That’s okay, though. There will still be plenty of Mead, a fire in the urn, and thanks given to those who went before us.
I had originally taken the day off on November first, but given it’s not going to be the throw-down I was hoping for (many of us are getting over the creeping crud, so staying out late in the cold, no matter how much Mead is available, just doesn’t sound like a good idea), I may stumble into work a little late on Thursday, unless, of course, the scary movies are worth staying up for. ;)
That said, I have no formal ritual ready, but plan on a meditative early evening by the fire.
Since my last post I utilized a spell that I found online that I thought might be beneficial to me. You know how they are always saying, “Physician, heal thyself”? I figured I would try the whole “Witch, heal thyself” concept to see if I could. And damned if I didn’t.
It was a breaking a bond and recovering lost things-type of spell, and while it wasn’t a difficult one, it was a super-scary one for me, because while I knew that some bonds needed breaking, I was chicken and held off for the better part of a month after I came across said spell. You know how sometimes you just don’t think you can let go, even if you know that doing so will make you feel better, but at the same time you are afraid to, because you fear the pain associated with severing ties? This was one of those. And, yes, it hurt. Thank you for asking. But, no, it didn’t hurt like I thought that it would, so I am glad, in retrospect, that I did it.
It wasn’t a quickie five minute deal, either. It took the better part of an hour, not counting the bath prior to starting the work, itself. It did culminate in burying the remaining bits of wax, ash, and sage bits at a crossroads, which, in this case, was where my driveway intersects the road. I topped the burial off with a mum on the verge of blooming, because I knew the neighbors would wonder why I was digging a hole there and not planting anything. I figured the mum would be perfect, as it will continue to bloom and grow in the cooler time ahead, and seeing the flowers would make me happy, and I was right.
If you are interested, said spell can be found here: The Book of Shadows and should you choose to use it, let me know how it works out for you.
Until next time,
Blessed be!
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